shoesday and shoeperchallenge #8

After almost freezing to death at work yesterday, I decided to go for layers and cuteness today (and chili con carne y chocolate), and as such both save a pair of shoes as well as show it in honor of Shoeperwoman’s shoesday.

Today’s white shoes are from Texto and were one of the first pairs I bought at one of the shopping centers near work (we have two with each at least 5 shoe stores and a high street that’s seen it’s best days, where you can buy lovely shoes at tiny prizes).
I’m hoping to replace them by a similar pair during the sales period, so I can start next summer with a new pair and add this one to my “festival wear” collection.

The top I’m wearing was love at first sight, as it combines many things I like (Hello Kitty, geekyness, tartan) and is bright pink at the same time.

After Monday comes Shoesday

It’s Shoesday again over at shoeperwoman, so it’s time to show you my shoes.

Since it was raining cats and dogs when I left for work this morning, I decided against wearing open shoes and went for the very first pair I bought on impluse (two more followed since 😉 ), which is also the very first pair I saved and is, of course, a pair from my favourite brand.


The lovely Shoeperwoman launched Shoesday last week.

Joining is simple:

1. Take a snap of the shoes you’re wearing today.

2. Post it on your blog, Facebook page, free hosting space, twitter, …

3. Link back to from your post or photo.

4. Leave a link in the comments of the Shoesday post at so we all know where we can find your picture.

So here’s the picture of the black flat Super Mode Mary Janes I’m wearing today in order to give my troublesom ankle a bit of rest after wearing high heals while the weather was rather hot on Sunday and Monday.